Wednesday, July 30, 2008

basic gnuplot script

for plotting band data generated by mit photonics band

01 set title "band of te mode"
02 set term png
03 set output "te.png"
05 plot \
06 "te" using 2:7 title "band 1" with linespoints, \
07 "te" using 2:8 title "band 2" with linespoints, \
08 "te" using 2:9 title "band 3" with linespoints, \
09 "te" using 2:10 title "band 4" with linespoints, \
10 "te" using 2:11 title "band 5" with linespoints, \
11 "te" using 2:12 title "band 6" with linespoints, \
12 "te" using 2:13 title "band 7" with linespoints, \
13 "te" using 2:14 title "band 8" with linespoints


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