1.233, 2E-3, 3e45
# exponential float
# integer with underscore
0377, 0xff, 0b1111
# octal => 0, hexadecimal => 0x, binary => 0b
# concatenate with .
"hello" x 3
# repeat 3 time with x
"20fred" * 3
# ignore string when transform
$str = $str . "blah"; === $str .= "blah";
$int = $int ** 3; === $int **= 3;
# binary assignment operator
# insert variable with dereference brace
eq == | ne != | < lt | > gt | <= le | >= ge
# string comparison operator
# return with \n at line end
# return true or false
initial parameters (perl -M)
use warnings;
use diagnostics;